Senator Dianne Feinstein's
attempt to hide lies fails.
by Merrill Gibson
[email protected]
August 8, 2001
On July 30th, my article "Dianne Feinstein's Latest Incredible Lie" was posted here:
My article detailed how Feinstein had misquoted a US Supreme Court decision in a letter to Colin Powell, using quotation marks to falsely insert text favorable to her point of view into the bogus quotation. (I discussed other deceptions in Feintstein's letter as well.)
Shortly thereafter, I came across a web page about Feinstein's letter on Feinstein's own web site, at It accurately quotes the first paragraph of her letter to Powell, followed by "Senator Feinstein wrote in a letter to Secretary of State Powell." All the following text on the web page has quotation marks around it, suggesting that it is the remainder of the original letter. However, I noticed that it differed slightly from the actual letter, adding a paragraph and, most interestingly, eliminating the deceptive quotation marks and capitalization that I wrote about in my article (the rest of the BS in her letter is preserved in all its glory!)
My source for the text of Feinstein's letter was a pro-freedom mailing list. Thinking perhaps it was in error, I looked for a second source. I found one at is an obviously left wing web journal that apparently lovingly publishes nearly everything that Feinstein writes. On the site, the letter's wording, quotation marks, capitalization etc. are exactly the same as in the pro-freedom mailing list item that I had used.
My guess is that sometime between the time Feinstein wrote the letter to Powell and the time the web page on her site was put up, she got caught in her lie, and doesn't want her web site to permanently record her falsification. Whatever the reason, it appears Feinstein once again has placed quote marks around something she KNOWS is a misquote of someone - this time HERSELF!
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