A Few
Thoughts from "Becker Flats"
by J.C.
Our problem is that WE are a law-abiding people trying to resist an enemy that has no regard for the law.
In the name of the "drug war" we have lost our rights of protection against unreasonable search and
seizure. Under present property forfeiture laws, not only are we no longer innocent until proven
guilty, "they" don't even have to charge you with anything before "they" smash your door in, shoot you, and
then proceed to take All of your property, which you no longer need because you are soon to be pushing up flowers. All "they" need to
have to accomplish your death is an anonymous "tip". And if your neighbor
was the target of the "anonymous" tip but they go to your house by
"mistake" and they "accidentally" shoot you and stomp
your cat, the many people involved in your murder investigate themselves
and find no wrongdoing while the person who fills you full of holes gets a paid
vacation the press labels as "paid administrative leave."
No longer can you travel unmolested by police. Rather, you must
submit to a stop, search and questioning because you fit a certain
"profile" or they "thought" you might have drugs. No longer can you feel free to protect yourself your family and
property without FEAR of being prosecuted more vigorously by the authorities than "they" will
prosecute the criminals who actually commit real violent crimes.
No longer do we have the right to due process.
This - "they" have decided - is in the national interest. We have been branded as dangerous subversives, terrorists, criminals
and whackos because we dare to raise a voice against tyranny and subjugation. "They" steal our income and then when "they" have a surplus
of our money, instead of giving it back to us "they" take more from us through
even higher taxes and higher prices for those things that are essential to continue the cycle of slave serving
Massa: "them".
The period of rise from city-states to cohesion as a nation to world
empire back again to city states [simply put] of the Roman empire covered a time period the length equivalent to that time period from
when the Europeans first set foot in Virginia at Jamestown, to establish the first permanent settlement on the eastern seaboard of North America, to
the present time. The parallels are striking. If we judge ourselves as a nation
- and where we are headed - by the history of the Romans, we as a nation are rapidly approaching the social upheaval
and violence that precedes the breakup of an empire. Make no bones! The United States of America is indeed an empire consisting of diverse
indigenous peoples living in individual nation-states unified as a single nation by a document that lays down the foundation of law that
allegedly regulate those nation-states as a cohesive unit or nation. When that foundation
is destroyed openly, however, the whole structure of government "governing� the nation
will crumble and the nation must resort back to those individual nation-states.
WE do not have to go back to ancient Roman times to observe this
dynamic. The recent break-up of the Soviet Empire and the resulting chaos and fighting of the newly formed nation-states to retain their
independence is indicative of what may soon be occurring here on our own shores.
Search the net and see for yourself the plight of the Chechen rebels and learn for yourself what the fight is really about!
The rebels are the criminals and terrorists.
And so are we.
The law-abiding peoples of the Germany of the 1930's and 40's
obeyed the rule of law all the way to the slave and death camps. There comes a time when a people MUST determine when the Law
of Man has become so evil that the Law of God must usurp the law of man and crush it! I believe that our Jewish brethren in large part learned
this lesson earlier in this century, and I believe that the Christian peoples of this nation, at the dawn of the 21st century, are about to
learn this same lesson.
Whether the patriots are Christian Believers or not,
they are the enemies of the state. You can believe that is how YOUR government views
you. "They" do not care what you think. When you think that your voice has been heard, do not doubt that it has fallen on deaf ears. "They"
care only that you slave for "them" and that you obey "them". If any of us accepts this as freedom then we are fooling ourselves
with wishful thinking. WE ARE NOT FREE. WE are slaves to a failed political system that cares only about
"its" agenda and "its" ability to increase "its" power over us. To view our nation, ourselves, in any
other manner is to commit us to political suicide, total subjugation and slavery, and the end of us as a people of personal liberty,
responsibility and freedom.
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