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Jay Leno Misrepresents Gun Owners and Gun Shows...Again

by Patriot Pat
[email protected]


Dear Fellow Gun Owners:

Last night I thought I would lighten up and watch a little comedy, so I tuned into Jay Leno on the National Brainwashing Company. All the election stress has been tough on all of U.S. as we endure algore's effort to steal this election, and a little comic relief seemed like it might help ease the pain of dealing with this mess.

Boy, was I wrong. What I saw was not only not "funny" was downright insulting.

After only 5 minutes, Leno had a skit in which he was taking someone to his car to show them a gun -- while he explained that he always kept a gun in his car and it must be safe "because I bought it a gun show." 

Next Leno took the full auto Uzi and blasted his partner in the skit, literally riddling him with bullets, the victim leaking blood in a display of gore aimed at furthering NBC's anti-gun agenda -- using what they thought was humor. 

As usual, this was done at the expense of gun owners. 

It doesn't matter to me if Leno wrote this or if he is simply the puppet of NBC. I'm sick and tired of being misrepresented and vilified by these professional anti-rights propagandists. And I am sick and tired of riding in the back of the bus. 

Tonight, I'm recording sponsors of the West Wing, another rabidly anti Second Amendment propaganda program. Then, I'm writing the names of all of these sponsors down in a list and organizing a boycott of all of those sponsors -- as well as those of the "main stream" media's nightly propaganda fest. Expect to see that list on this website, and please join me in the boycott.

Those who seek to attack our rights have had their gloves off for a long, long, time. We must organize and cut off the funding for the propaganda war being waged against us. The hordes of lawyers doing the bidding of the DNC in Florida do not work for free. I'm getting a list of major democrat donors, and they too need to be boycotted. We must all hang together or surely, we will all hang separately. 

Thank You.

In Liberty,

Patriot Pat


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...If a man lies under oath or procures the lie of another under oath, if he perjures himself or suborns perjury, he is guilty under the statute law. Under the higher law, under the great law of morality and righteousness, he is precisely as guilty if, instead of lying in a court, he lies in a newspaper or on the stump; and in all probability, the evil effects of his conduct are infinitely more widespread and more pernicious. � Teddy Roosevelt - May 12, 1900

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