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Gun Grabber Web Watch
A Periodic Service to Help Gun Rights Activists �Watch the Enemy�
by Sean Oberle

Dec. 11 - 18, 2000


** International Action Network on Small Arms posts story about Solomon Islands ban of toy guns so that children cannot use them to commit crimes. [Sean�s commentary: Toys, huh? What�s next, plumbing elbows that �look� like guns?] 


** BATF issues brochure on complying with National Firearms Act, the 1930s law that highly regulates automatic weapons. [Sean�s commentary: If you want a taste of the nasty hoops you would have to go through under strict national gun control for other guns, check this out.] 

** Coalition to Stop Gun Violence laments recent Michigan passage of shall issue CCW law, claiming that Michigan legislators must not have �gotten the message� that voters want more gun control. [Sean commentary: If CSGV thinks election results in Michigan are due to anti self-defense desires, it is sorely mistaken. Gore, for example, took the state only by downplaying his grabber agenda] 

** Stop Handgun Violence promotes music CD by major pop stars to help raise money for its anti self defense agenda. [Sean�s commentary: I like some of these musicians, but none of them will get another cent from me.] 

** Million Mom March�s holiday message asks parents to not buy toy guns for their children, including claim that �psychologists have found that young children�s use of real or toy guns is linked to aggressive behavior.� [Sean�s commentary: �Linked� and �caused by� are not the same thing.]

** Million Mom March puts the town of Virgin, Utah in its Timeout Chair for requiring a gun and ammunition in every home. [Sean�s commentary: Actually, it�s not �every home.� People who deem themselves �conscientious objectors� are exempt. So what�s that problem, moms?] [KABA NOTE: Right, Sean. While gun owners are happy to allow people to do as they choose when it comes to protecting themselves and their families, our anti-self-defense citizens are always pushing to infringe on our choices.]

** Physicians for Social Responsibility starts campaign to enlist midwives, obstetricians, Lamaze instructors and childbirth/parenting educators in spreading anti self defense propaganda that guns should be �eliminated from homes� [Sean�s commentary: Why do the grabbers always seem to target people when they are at their most frightened and vulnerable?] [KABA Answer: Because they are frightened and vulnerable and thus easily susceptible to people with reason-less agendas. Their reasoning faculties are impaired because their emotional attentions are on other things, so they don't stop to look at facts, reason, logic and history to make their misguided choices.] 

** Violence Policy Center issues yet another �study.� This one � From Gun Games to Gun Stores � �finds� that gun manufacturers place their names on video game products (such as �Browning�s Duck Hunter� or �Remington Upland Game Hunter�) to market to youth. VPC implies that this can lead to �countless tragedies, from lonely suicides to mass public shootings.� VPC calls for government investigation. [Sean�s commentary: This is laughable.] [KABA Note: Our first friendly differing of opinion with Mr. Oberle. We see a certain obvious link between putting toy guns and killing games in the hands of kids and teaching them to kill as part of a game without also teaching them about responsible gun ownership and gun safety. Perhaps we can explore this issue further on our site to see what comes of the discourse. We think it wise for gun manufacturers to withdraw their names from all video games at once for the very reason that VPC is putting it out there in this way. Lawsuits will come of what VPC is suggesting.]

** Handgun Control Inc. issues statement urging Michigan Gov. John Engler to veto the recently passed shall issue CCW law for that state. [Sean�s commentary: Get over it, HCI. The wave continues.] [Amen.] 

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