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Responses to Clearing the Air... and Moving On


December 20, 2000

Dear Angel Shamaya,

Thank-You very much.��You have done well for us and the second amendment.��That those on the other side...��Yes, those who claim to be on our side ARE on the other side, if they compromise our gun rights away from us.��Those on the other side ARE the enemy of freedom and prosperity in the United States of America.��They ARE traitors to our Nation.��Their deeds are especially insidious since they are fooling many on our side and dividing us.

Bottom line: Congratulations, you are doing a good job as indicated by the response of the other side.��Their response is a response of weakness. They have nothing valid.��It is an act of desperation and it is bringing out their true character and identifying the traitors among us.��A lot of good can come from this.��Our people can figure out that to join a real pro second amendment organization means quitting the enemy and joining us and the Gun Owners of America and looking for non-compromising pro second amendment organizations in their own state.

Keep up the good work.

Ronald H Levine

Dear Angel:

I never for a moment have doubted your honesty, sincerity, or motives. Keep up the good work & know that the majority of freedom loving people who cherish their 2nd amendment rights are 100% behind you.

Terry Burnett

When things get sticky, you find out who your real friends are.

Jesse Horn

BRAVO, great message, you are a gifted, intelligent man!��That was super.��I agree with and support your position.��

Yours in Freedom,

Bob Stewart
(Another recent Arizona ATF target)

There are no questions in my mind re your honesty and integrity. �I'm sure that most, if not all, your readers feel the same way. Keep up the good work.

Best wishes for a safe and happy Holiday Season.

Regards, ����

For God & Country

Dave Bruley

Your words have the ring of truth to them.��It is a shame that some men (your accusers) will sacrifice their honor for their small self interests.��

It will get harder.

God Bless You.

Tom Phillips

Dear Angel,

As for myself, I would rather find out at some later date that I had taken this situation too seriously and gone overboard in the defense of my constitutional rights than to discover that I no longer had the right to speak out against my government because I had failed to secure that first amendment with the support of the second to the death.

John McClain
GySgt USMC ret.


You have my trust, and I hope we will overcome the adversity together.


Frederick M. Hoover
Certified Firearms Safety Instructor

Just continue telling the truth and all will be well.

Cpt. Monty