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Brainstorming Responses to School Shootings
Calling for Your Ideas

by Dennis Jackson
[email protected]


Folks it's happened again, another school shooting! Now it's time for the intelligent segment of our society to step up and take control of the situation. For too long now the socialist leftists have been running the show, and our children are paying the ultimate price for their arrogance and our inaction.

My two oldest daughters graduated from Granite Hills High School and my youngest daughter attends a high school in Santee, California where less than a month ago and lowlife we shall heretofore refer to as Spineless Coward opened fire on his classmates and teachers and killed two of them. As you can see this is hitting close to home for me.

I asked my 15 year old daughter today what plans and training her school has for the students in the event that there is a shooting in her school. I must say that her answer did not surprise me. There is no training, and no plans other than a school lock down. Anyone can see that in that situation the kids are sitting ducks. If that is the best that the school administrators can come up with, I think we can do much better. Here is the plan!

I want all of us to put our collective heads together to come up with suggestions for students on how they can survive a school shooting. For lack of something better, lets call the plan: "Bullet proof your kids", or whatever. We will come up with something later.

You send me your ideas and we will put them into a document that we can distribute to the students through their school web site or the parents can fax the document to the school or members of the PTA's. We will find a way to get your ideas to the students.

What we are looking for are simple suggestions that children can use to avoid danger on school property. I told my daughter not to run, she will only become a target. Hitting the ground is better. I don't think we should suggest heroics on the part of the jocks, but if they get the idea that action is better than no action, so much the better.

The children are not learning from the "experts" how to survive these situations. As a matter of fact the students are not learning much at all, except for a bunch of multicultural mumbo jumbo. Those of you who are concerned parents, citizens, police and firearms instructors send your ideas to me, we will find a way to stir up the opposition and get your ideas to the children. Remember, "if it only saves one life", our efforts will be rewarded.

We have the opportunity to take the focus off of firearms and do something positive for a change. Lets get started -- the clock is running on the next school tragedy.

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce and brave man, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." ~~ Mark Twain

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