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Statement Regarding Fifty Caliber Ban Legislation in New York

by John Burtt
Chairman, Fifty Caliber Shooters Policy Institute

[email protected]

Fifty Caliber Shooters Association -- Top Caliber Liberty Defenders !!

The Anti-Gun New York State Representative Naomi Matusow (D-89th A-District) has introduced A-1534 with the intention of banning individual ownership & possession of all fifty caliber rifles and their metric equivalent, as well as the ammunition for the rifles by all law abiding gun owners in the state of New York. An identical bill, S-742 has been introduced in the New York State Senate by Senator Roy Goodman (R-26th S-District).

If we (and I mean all shooters) don't take immediate action on these bills, all gun owners stand to lose freedoms that have existed since the beginning of our country. The fifty caliber rifle has been in existence since the mid 1800�s.

We cannot stand by and let this happen. All gun owners must stand united in the protection of freedom, for if our foes are successful in banning the 50 Browning rifles, (and their metric equivalent), tomorrow they will be back for your pre-64 Model 70 30.06.

Gun owners in Great Britain and Australia have learned a horrible lesson. If the Gun Grabbers are not defeated, then they truly will stop at nothing to disarm everyone except the military and the police.

Sponsors of these bills feel very confident because the .50 caliber rifle is the �only� gun they want to ban today. What about tomorrow? And the day after that?

One of the many problems I have with the above-mentioned "legislation" is the wording used by both sponsors of the bills when it comes to the justification to steal our guns. They characterize our guns as being "powerful weapons meant only to be in the hands of the military".  They castigate owners of fifty caliber rifles as "...domestic terrorist organizations, religious cults, (now there's a terrifying catch-all phrase), international drug traffickers, and violent criminals (this after 26.5 yrs as a police officer) where the weapons serve absolutely no purpose other than that of para-military use." Now just how long do you think it's going to take before they tell us the .475 or the .338 or the .308 is "Powerful weaponry"?

Don't you see it coming? This is their new "Assault Weapon" phrase. Anything that can be called a "Sniper Weapon" or "Powerful Weaponry" will be up for grabs next!!!  If you don't think this fight is your fight just because you don't own or shoot a .50 BMG, you're wrong. They just haven't come for your gun yet. But THEY WILL!! If you let them win this battle, will you let them win the next unconstitutional battle too?

They don't even care that the fifty caliber has only been used in one documented criminal incident in the United States. As long as they can paint everyone with the brush of "...domestic terrorist organization, religious cult, international drug trafficker or violent criminal" everything is just fine. Why do you suppose they are trying so desperately to take our "non-crime" guns away from us?

The Fifty Caliber Shooters Policy Institute (FCSPI) needs your help to defeat gun grabbing Politicians today! Please take a moment right now and write, email or call in opposition to these anti-rights gun bans from the links below. We're asking for help from every shooting discipline in America. If the gun grabbers get us, it's just a matter of time before they get everyone. If you don't believe me, just read the language of the bills, linked above and below. The language and the lies are just incredible. The are trying to ban guns that our great grandfathers owned, and we must stop them in their tracks.


If you want to help us financially, FCSPI desperately needs your financial help today. To step up our lobbying efforts on behalf of your rights, your contribution of $100/50 or $20 will go a long way in helping us win this fight. Contributions are not tax deductible as FCSPI engages in grassroots political lobbying.

The rights you save will be your own

John Burtt
Fifty Caliber Shooters Policy Institute
The Fifty Caliber Shooters Policy Institute was founded last year to combat these unprecedented attacks on the rights of gun owners. 

New York State Assembly Bill 1534

New York State Senate Bill 742

Contact Public Servants and Say NO Note:  When you read the text of these bills, you will see that they are trying to ban ALL .50 caliber guns including handguns, as well.  To demonstrate how far-reaching into American history these socialists would like to go with their eraser, please click here to see a revolver made around 1870 -- banned under the above proposed legislation. Then do a quick search online to find guns made long before that that would be outlawed -- and help stop this assault on YOUR FREEDOM.

Other Relevant New York Weblinks

The Fifty Caliber Gun Must Stand  
(statements regarding Feinstein's national ban)
by John Burtt, Chairman, FCSPI

New York State Constitution

New York State Constitution
ARTICLE XII Defense Section 1.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

New York State Assembly

New York State Bill Search

New York State Laws

New York State Consolidated Laws

Civil Rights

New York State Consolidated Laws Civil Rights
ARTICLE 2 Bill of Rights
Section 4. Right to keep and bear arms. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed.

Penal, Title WA400 -- The Sullivan Law of 1917