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Oregon Firearms Federation "End of Legislative Session" Report

from Kevin Starrett, Director

July 9, 2001

Click to visit The Oregon Firearms Federation

Oregon Firearms Federation
[email protected]
P.O. Box 556
Canby, OR 97013
Voice: (503) 263-5830
Fax: (503) 263-3708

Dear Friends,

As you know, the Oregon Legislature called it quits in the early morning hours of Saturday, July 7th.

When the rubber band wars had ended, and the dust settled they packed it up and went home. (Well some of them,

In the end, the Republican majority proved that you can be in the majority and never be in control. They were repeatedly rolled by the Governor, who, with the help of Senate President Gene Derfler, rammed through SB 965, a bill that gives virtual carte blanche for the state to nose around in the affairs of your newborns and your family.

There were other disappointments, but there is much to celebrate.

In spite of a major victory for the forces of fraud when Ballot Measure 5 passed, Burdick's paranoid phobics learned they had no "mandate" for more attacks on self protection rights.

In the one and only hearing on a gun control bill, (SB 508) the ravings of the delusional supporters of more restrictions even convinced one of its sponsors that the bill was nothing more than the product of the sophistry of the addled.

The credit belongs to you.

From early in the session your constant barrage of e-mails, post cards and phone calls kept legislators on notice that your rights were not to be toyed with. As always, the job you did was fantastic. Thank you.

Of course, Burdick and her lapdogs took every opportunity to portray themselves as victims of a dangerous bully, the "gun lobby." In a slanderous e-mail to supporters, Burdick made this preposterous statement:

"Those of you who have attended or testified at gun violence hearings before expect having to run the gauntlet of men with bulges under their coats as you make your way to the hearing room. You expect to hear the jokes from them when they are at the microphone to testify that "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am packing right now," referring to the fact that they have their loaded handguns with them. You expect jeers and rude interruptions from the opposition while you testify."

The level of self indulgent whining to which she and her coven will stoop borders on the subterranean. Burdick even found a way to be "victimized" by an internet article about a fictitious COLORADO legislator, written by someone who had never even heard of her!

Diana Madarieta, Executive Director of "Ceasefire Oregon" has started to CC the Portland Police when she receives e-mail from perfectly civil pro gun folks who disagree with her.

It's becoming more and more clear that the assembly of freedom hating stooges is suffering from the psychotic belief that they are somehow in physical danger from a group of people who voluntarily had their backgrounds checked, subjected themselves to fingerprinting and mug shots and took "safety" classes. (Perhaps we should divert some of our lobbying budget to psychiatric care for people like Burdick and Madarieta. Wait, who could afford THAT?)

In the end, OFF members once again did what they have become renowned for; hard-core, relentless grassroots activism. And once again it's paid off.

More than one legislator has remarked that OFF supporters have "led the way" with their no compromise attitude.

So what's next?

Well, as you know this battle never ends. Today is the day the UN has chosen to burn firearms in cities around the world.

Kevin Mannix, the chief architect of HB 2535, 1999's worst gun control bill, has announced he wants to be your next Governor. With Kitzhaber leaving the post, Mannix could be the next most dangerously anti-gun candidate available.

Mannix will no doubt try to tout the fact that he has a concealed handgun license. Well so does Randy Leonard who as a legislator has distinguished himself as one of the most vicious opponents of gun rights ever to have drawn breath. (Of course, Dianne Feinstein has one as well.)

Redistricting will create all kinds of opportunities for mischief, and on the Federal level we are still facing a president who supports new restrictions on gun shows and large capacity magazines.

Our friends in Washington State will soon be facing attacks on their gun shows just as we did in 1999 and 2000. We should be prepared to come to their aid.

We also have McCain, Lieberman and Feingold who collectively want to shut down gun shows AND end communication critical of politicians, so as you can see, there's still much to do.

But, for now, I want to extend my very personal thanks to all of you who stood up in defense of our liberties. To each of you who stared into the face of tyranny and hysteria and refused to blink, remember, you are the reason we have the freedoms we have.

We'll be in touch as events unfold. God bless you all.

Kevin Starrett
Director, OFF