Lowe's "Home
Improvement Warehouse" Promoting Anti-gun Messages
from Melissa
Newslinks Director, KeepAndBearArms.com
Lowe�s Companies Inc., one of the nation�s largest retailers of home improvement products, appears to have expanded its enterprise to include promoting anti-gun propaganda on the Internet. The Lowe�s website, under the guise of its "Home Safety" message, tells gun owners to "[r]emove any guns from the house" because "homes with guns are much more likely to have a murder or suicide of a family member than in homes without guns." The website also claims "[h]omes without guns are safer for children." These anti-gun messages can be found under a section of the website called "Protect Your Child: Information from Lowe�s & Johns Hopkins."
While it may be surprising to see Lowe�s promoting these kinds of anti-gun messages, the fact that the "guide" was put together by the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy and the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) should explain a great deal. The Johns Hopkins Center has a long history of producing biased, anti-gun "research," and the CFA has promoted numerous attacks on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Most recently, CFA joined with the gun-ban extremists at the Violence Policy Center (VPC) in an attempt to further the lie that firearm manufacturers are not already subject to countless regulations.
And there are other inaccurate messages from Lowe's, as well. For
example, from http://www.lowes.com/Lowes/howTo/howtoDocument.asp?ID=excuses
"When You Hear:
"I need to keep my gun nearby, so if a robber comes into the house I
can protect my family."
"The Facts Are:
"Homes with guns are much more likely to have a murder or suicide of a
family member than in homes without guns.
"What You Can Do:
"Remove any guns from the house. If a gun must be kept, keep it in a
locked box and store bullets locked up somewhere else."
Missing from the Lowe�s/Hopkins/CFA message was any mention of promoting educational programs for children, such as the award-winning Eddie Eagle GunSafe� Program.
Also absent is any type of supportive communication about the many people who do
use a gun in the home to successfully defend life, liberty and property.