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Kmart Reveals Cowardice and Disdain for the Second Amendment


September 12, 2001 -- Saying that "the safety of Kmart's customers and employees is its first priority," the Kmart Corporation announced yesterday that it suspended support for it's longtime loyal customers' second amendment rights and their free expression. According to an AP press release, "Kmart said that it temporarily removed ammunition and firearms from its stores nationwide in the wake of attacks in New York and Washington."

Based in Troy, Michigan, Kmart is touted as the nation's number three retailer. 2,100 stores nationwide that provided access to the right to keep and bear arms decided to temporarily stop doing so -- at a time when some people are for the first time realizing that self-defense is an individual responsibility.

If "the safety of Kmart's customers and employees is its first priority," how are employees going to be safer by announcing during times of terrorism that there will be a nationwide surrender of support for a basic American right as far as supply goes?

Kmart Spokeswoman Julie Fracker said "executives decided Wednesday morning it was safe to put the items back." Fracker also that it was "unclear how much the move will cost the company." Clue: it will cost more than it did to move some guns to the back room. You can undo a stupid move, but you cannot undo the stupidity behind it quite so easily. Kmart's choice to end the sale of handgun ammunition cost them a lot of time, energy and money, indeed. May this latest insult be exponentially more expensive.

We reiterate a call for a nationwide boycott of all Kmart stores. Any company who'd withdraw its support for a basic constitutional right during times where people are realizing the need to protect themselves is unworthy of Americans' hard-earned dollars. Below are statements made today by a few leaders.

If you would like to contact Kmart with your feedback, here is the means to do so:

Kmart Corporation
Customer Service
3100 West Big Beaver Road
Troy, Michigan 48084
[email protected]
(800) 866-0086

Lori V. Gagnon
Senior Director of Customer Care
PO Box 417
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
[email protected]

If you write a letter, be sure to send a copy to [email protected].

Quotes from a few Leaders

"This is the perfect excuse that the anti-gun leaders of K-Mart has been waiting for to use as the reason for eliminating guns from their stores. It is just that: an excuse. And a useless excuse at that, for it certainly won't help prevent events like this from happening! The hijackers didn't even use guns -- all they had onboard were KNIVES!"

--Melissa Seaman Newslinks Director

"As far as I'm concerned, K-Mart's decision to temporarily stop selling firearms simply strengthens the business base of our true friends, licensed firearm and ammunition dealers. K-Mart's loss is their gain, and I personally am pleased for the gun dealers."

--Brian Puckett Advisor
President, Citizens Of America

"By discontinuing the sale of guns, KMart management has taken the conspicuous position that there is something 'wrong' with selling guns. As a gun owner, it is YOUR responsibility to immediately cease doing business with this company, and to let its management know why. Any gun owner who is aware of KMart's new policy yet continues to shop there is a selfish fool, a giver of aid and comfort to the enemy, a betrayer of their countrymen and undeserving of the heritage of freedom. Retail profit margins aren't large enough to withstand the loss of a significant portion of sales-- if we all commit to a boycott, competition and the marketplace will do our work for us, and relegate KMart to a misguided experiment in corporate cowardice that failed."

--David Codrea Advisor Co-founder
Citizens Of America Board

"It looks to me like Kmart is testing the waters by doing a one-day withdrawal of the tools of liberty from their shelves. I'd say they didn't get the message last time they shunned the right to keep and bear arms. If you're the letter writing type or the phone-calling type, get to it. Either way, do not give this corporation another dime. They do not deserve any support at all from people who care about our individual right to keep and bear arms. Their pulling guns from stores nationwide is basically saying they withdrew support for the self-defense of their customers. Any way you shake it, that's just not an American thing to do."

--Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director

"We now have good scientific data demonstrating that violent, confrontive crime decreases markedly when communities initiate concealed-carry handgun programs. These data are irrefutable. We are therefore forced to conclude that organizations like K-MART and, yes, even the American Medical Association either don't know about the data, or don't care about it. That leaves only three explanations for policies like those announced by K-MART: 1. Their decision making is driven by ignorance. 2. Their decision making is driven by calloused political ideology. 3. Their decision making is driven by a cold, calculated desire to sell their products or gather political power by playing on the emotions of people who are afraid because they are ignorant of the facts.

"Explanation # 1 must be dealt with by education of the ignorant.

"Explanations # 2 and # 3 are contemptible. They are the essence either of political elitism or psychopathic thinking."

Willam B.Rogers, MD
Co-Founder: Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws

If you think it's too inconvenient to shop somewhere other than K-Mart, given their latest Anti-American, anti-self-defense, decision, your continued financial support of an anti-Constitutional retailer like K-Mart will surely bring you greater inconveniences some day, in the not too distant future.

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our country men." -- Samuel Adams

--Matt D'Amario, ISP Director