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Empty Brass

By Christopher S. Horne

Dashing o'er the dunes,
With a rifle in my hand,
O�er the hills I go,
Hunting Taliban.
I see one on a hill;
The air is clean and cold.
I throw the switch
To Rock �n� Roll,
He�s hit, and down he goes!


Empty brass!
Empty brass!
Lying on the sand!
What fun to hunt these terrorists
In this God-Forsaken land!
Empty brass,
Empty brass,
Lying on the sand!
I must admit,
I�m lovin� it!
I�m hunting Taliban!

The magazine runs dry,
I whip another out.
I swap them on the fly,
And drop the first one out.
I�m closing on the caves
Where a psychopath resides.
I settle into
Stealth Mode now.
I�ll skin the bastard�s hide!


I step into the cave,
Slip on my NVG�s.
I hear a steady drip,
And feel a chilly breeze.
I sense my target here;
He�s hiding in a trap.
His fear is caustic
In my nose.
He�s caught just like a rat!


I�ve called the bombers in
To take care of his friends.
I�m in position now,
The Game is at an end.
Osama�s in my sights,
I�m zeroed on his head.
A trigger squeeze,
My gun recoils,

Empty brass!
Empty brass!
Lying on the sand!
What fun to hunt these terrorists
In this God-Forsaken land!
Empty Brass!
Empty Brass!
Lying on the sand!
We represent
The hand of God
In Afghanistan!