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Hearing Scheduled on Gun-related Lawsuit Against America Online

from Luke Hansen
[email protected]

January 26, 2001

We finally have a court date for our motion for summary judgement. Judge Rodger S. Dutson, Weber County 2nd district, has set aside a half day for us on February 1, 2002. I've been told that a half day for a motion for summary judgement is a long time. Aparently he believes that this is indeed an important case which needs serious consideration.

The judge has 2 options from my understanding. He can rule from the bench or say "I'll take this under advisement and have my ruling in X days." If we win, we move on to (A) AOL's appeal and (B) the damages portion.

I will let you all know the moment we have a judgement. Again, I thank you all for your continued support, and apologize for my lack of content.


The court date is Friday, February 1, 2002. Weber County 2nd district Courthouse in Ogden, Utah at 1:30 pm. It's on Grant Ave. and about 26th or so, directly west of the Ogden City/County building.

Thank you,

~Luke, Paul and Jason

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