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Left/right - conservative/liberal - does it matter?

by Ed Lewis

March 23, 2002 -- This question is asked because these concepts are defined as circumstances and the times define them. All result in subjective muddying of the waters. 

Just as a quick example, people who support the Republican Party call themselves and the party � conservative. Once upon a time conservative meant to uphold the Constitution exactly as it is stated. Now, it seems to mean to uphold the profits of big business and to remove as many rights as possible from the American people by expanding the powers of the corrupt central government.

Once upon a time, the Democratic Party supported other than big business. It was started by and for farmers, small businesses, and the like. It is now called �liberal� but any person would be hard pressed to prove that the Republican Party doesn�t behave exactly as the Democrats behave. Prove that the Bush administration isn�t destroying more of what this country once stood than any other except possibly the extremely corrupted FDR.

Left or right is just a position defined � or so it seems � by whether one supports or does not support something that some group or person wants. In other words, it is meaningless for all intents and purposes as far as this Republic is concerned since it is defined by relativity. Rely on it today for a vote and the practice of elected officials tomorrow will find the definitions effectively changed.

Besides, in terms of this Republic there is only one concept that matters in deed and fact. Either one supports and is willing to uphold the Constitution and the rights granted each of us by our Creator or one isn�t. To say that some laws are needed is ridiculous since man is deciding the fate of men and none have the authority to do so. Only the laws that guide us in our behaviors with other men are important and those are not written by men but existed hundreds of years before any government. 

You would think that a professed bible thumper such as Ashcroft would know that but somehow, his deeds are those of a tyrannical rat, not a Christian.

The only concept that really matters is whether a man or woman respects the God-given rights and property of his fellow man. If he does, he/she is an American in every sense of the word. If he does not, then he/she is a traitor to the principles that guided the creation of this Republic. Regrettably, governments of all levels are filled with the latter.

It is not the job of government to decide proper behavior as government�s only job is to assure these rights and principles are protected from all invasions and infringements, whether by a foreign or domestic source.

It is each of our jobs to see to it that government meets its constitutional obligations. If we had not failed in this duty, the federal government would have been properly maintained (limited), easily fitting inside the ten square miles it is allotted � the District of Columbia. And within the many Republics, perhaps office space would be needed a tenth, 20th, or maybe a hundredth of the size now maintained in State capitols.

So, be concerned about right, left, conservative, and liberal all you wish � it is your right. Spout all the popular rhetoric right along with those fiends in government. That also is your right. But - - while doing so, realize that all levels of government are keeping you sidetracked as they infringe upon right after right, virtually expanding exponentially this date in the year of our Lord, 2002. Soon, you will have no rights left.

Then what??