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Writer and KABA advisor Codrea in HANDGUNS Magazine

June 30, 2003

The August/September issue of Handguns Magazine, on your newsstands now, contains an article by noted gun rights activist and advisor David Codrea. Titled �Immaterial Girl�, it details the usual, but always stunning hypocrisy of yet another show business airhead, Madonna. 

The author note at the end of the article mentions the Silveira v. Lockyer 2nd Amendment lawsuit (see the link at the top of the KeepAndBearArms homepage), which is moving rapidly toward the Supreme Court. The certiorari petition to the Supreme Court to urge them to hear the case will be filed by Independence Day.

If you haven�t donated a few dollars to this lawsuit, PLEASE DO SO! We are far from our necessary funding goal in this case and need your help.

Brian Puckett