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Ohio Self-Defense Rally August 6th


Contact Information:
Jeff Garvas, President
Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc.
P.O. Box 25488 Cleveland, Ohio 44125
(216) 552-4368
[email protected]

Dennis Walker, President
Ohio Constitution Defense Council
3953 Indianola Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43214
(614) 268-0122
[email protected]

CINCINNATI, OHIO (July 31, 2000)- Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc., with The Ohio Constitution Defense Council today announced a rally to be held on Fountain Square August 6th, 2000 at 2pm in Cincinnati, Ohio. The public invitation is in support of the Judge R. Ruehlman temporary restraining order and the continued success of statewide right to carry reform in Ohio.

Supporters and concerned citizens are invited to have their questions about the ruling and the goals of CCW in Ohio answered. Members of the non-profit organizations will be on hand to pass out petitions, brochures, and educational materials. Donations and membership applications will be accepted.

A constantly growing list of invited speakers (see website for updates) include retired Cincinnati Police Lt. Harry Thomas, The Second Amendment Foundation, The Ohio Chapter of the Second Amendment Sisters, Gun Owners of America.

"The events which have transpired in Hamilton County are the beginning of the judicial system striking down an unconstitutional law", said Jeff Garvas, founder and president of Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc. "It will soon be up to the law makers in Columbus to dust off House Bill 165 and put it on Governor Taft's desk. If he vetoes the bill Ohio may just become the second Vermont style right to carry state."

"We are proud to be working with Ohioans For Concealed Carry on this rally in support of the Second Amendment", said Dennis Walker, president of The Ohio Constitutional Defense Council

Vermont is the only state to not pass a law prohibiting citizens from carrying firearms for self-defense. Ohio is one of just a few states where the State Constitution clearly spells out the right to carry a firearm specifically for self-defense, but the revised code unconstitutionally deems the act a felony.

Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc. is a non-profit educational and activist membership organization. They've collected over 25,000 signatures from Ohioans, members of law enforcement, FOP lodges, police unions and the Buckeye State Sheriff's Association in support of passing right to carry legislation such as House Bill 165, debunking claims by Governor Taft of lacking law enforcement support. A wealth of information can be found at their website,

The Ohio Constitutional Defense Council is an umbrella organization of Second Amendment groups throughout Ohio. They've helped organize the first Second Amendment Rally in Columbus in 1989 and helped introduce right to carry legislation in the last three sessions of the General Assembly. Member organizations have introduced and passed gun range and hunter protection bills into law.