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by Mike Casper

One of the worst scenarios I can imagine is opening my door one fine, fresh American morning and finding Officer Goodboy on my step with an order of confiscation in his hand. I don�t think he will appear by himself, and the expected military backup will no doubt have sufficient strength to overcome what little force I could muster. In my mind I can see this drama unfolding, and in my heart I know what my response should be.

So much of recorded history deals with good governments turning despotic and dictatorial. We don�t have to try and imagine those past times; we are, sad to say, living through another chapter. Our institutions no longer seem to benefit all the people equally, instead they are increasingly used to polarize large groups, Smokers, SUV owners, Pro-gun people, Property rights advocates and so forth. Our Executive branch has become corrupt, and this corruption has spread like STD through the Justice system and in an ever widening noxious plume over the entire government.

The popular media, so called keepers of our national conscience, have for the most part abdicated their journalistic responsibilities in favor of short, bombastic, left-leaning articles and sound bites catering to their audiences� ever-lessening attention span. Many among us have trouble understanding this slide to the abyss, and to keep that group confused, our leftist government/media complex gives them TV circuses. This soul-dulling nihilistic mind-bubblegum fills their leisure hours with tabloid visions while constantly ridiculing worthy goals.

The Hollywood left-leaning socialist-liberals, through seemingly innocuous movies and teledrama, flog us with guilt over our country�s power, wealth and status as the world leader. They make a constant attempt to translate respect for traditional values into a far right conspiracy. This big lie takes a terrible toll. We see the negativity and apathy reflected in much of our youth. Violence, casual rites of sex and complete loss of respect for authority are some of the tragic results.

The constitution in it�s entirety, in leftist thought, has become a �curio� from a simpler time. An interesting anachronism but only in the context of historical reference. A living document, a handy tool for whoever has the power to falsely interpret it.

It�s hard for me not to think of the second amendment to the constitution of the United States as anything but the �LIBERTY� amendment. The words �second amendment" and �liberty� should ring identical bells in all Americans minds and most importantly the minds of those ordinary, hard working people whose only knowledge of guns comes from a biased media toadying to one political party and like administration.

To be understood in a positive way by that group is vital to our nations' health.

The founding fathers of our republic knew that without the citizens right to keep and bear arms the people would have no recourse when the rest of the amendments were subverted by a packed court to mean anything a corrupt government ordered. Without the �LIBERTY AMENDMENT� we are speechless prisoners and propertyless chattel. Without the �LIBERTY AMENDMENT� we are drones in the 'One Worlders� view of utopia. Imagine a leftist TV host�s puzzled question to an informed �free-to-defend-liberty� advocate. �Liberty amendment. What�s that?� And the simple response, �What is there about liberty that you don�t understand?�

The LIBERTY AMENDMENT is the true heartwood of our great republic�s promise of freedom to all the peoples of the world. Lose it and our two-hundred-year experiment with individual freedom and responsibility will come crashing down. Lose it and the world�s vultures will soon be dining on our children�s birthright.

I�d like to think that all of the Officer Goodboys would resign in protest or at least practice nullification of unconstitutional orders before they�d dishonor themselves and their heroic predecessors. In reality I�m afraid a great many wouldn�t. Gun confiscation would immediately turn violent, and as soon as police and military lives were lost, any good intentions would quickly run down America�s porch steps mingled with the blood of patriots.

Let's not ever let things go that far. Be an activist! Fight for your constitutional rights! Vote the foolish politicians out of their spot at the hog trough. Contribute to the pro-gun group of you choice. Fund the web based pro-gun orgs. so they can better spread the word on line. Make a righteous roar !

Another brighter scenario I can imagine is opening my door one fine, sunny, American morning and finding Officer Goodboy standing there with nothing more in his hand than a friendly 'shake' and nothing more on his mind than another beautiful , free American morning and the taste of the quail we're going to hunt.