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Finding the right "Bridge"

By Barry Bright


This is in response to Mr. Bohlken�s "rebuttal" to Mr. Puckett�s article on the NRA.

I must ask you sir, are you paying attention?

I try to. While on a trip out west a few weeks back I was listening to a Colorado radio station when an advertisement started telling me about "illegal" automatic weapons and people who shouldn�t have guns.

While I was trying to decide if this was an HCI funded propaganda piece or from some other bunch of idiots, the ad reached it�s end by revealing it was sponsored by "Colorado Project Exile." I was right about the idiot part.

This piece of propaganda from a supposed "pro-gun rights" organization couldn�t serve the interests of our enemies any better if they wrote it themselves. It tells the ignorant that there are weapons that we don�t have any business owning. It tells them that a "license", that means permission has been granted, is required for exercising our most basic right.

The Founders didn�t fight for permission. Neither should we.

The ad tells the still indoctrinated that there are people walking the streets, that our corrupt and "Liberal" infested justice system turned out, who have no right to self defense. Even though common sense dictates that when a person has "paid his debt to society," his rights should be restored.

If a "criminal" cannot be trusted with a weapon, of any kind, why are we releasing him from prison? Why are we releasing rapists, murderers, and "violent" felons anyway? Because it serves our enemies' purposes.

Part of your closing quote sir, reveals that you can�t be paying much attention to our enemies� true goals:

"I think we ought to put our time and energy and money into uniting and attacking oppressive gun control legislation and not attacking each other." 

No, no, no. "Gun control legislation" is simply the ink on paper result of a cancerous mindset that we must soon determine how we are going to excise. All "gun control" is propaganda designed to condition us to civilian disarmament.

Yes we should be building bridges to other gun owners, those who will listen. We should also stop playing the word games of our enemies who will "debate" us into slavery.

We need to now put our time into: destroying the mainstream news media whose supporting lies make our enemies� goals obtainable; electing pro-Liberty and pro historically correct Bill of Rights supporters to all political offices; to offensively repealing all gun laws; and lastly but not least importantly training the militia so that we are ready when "they" do, and "they" will, try to get us to register and turn in our weapons, whether this "order" comes from the US Congress, a presidential executive order or from some supranational governing body that hasn�t been invented or empowered yet. Ever heard of California?

When that happens our enemies must begin to die, or we must be prepared to posture ourselves so that we can lick their boots, or their sandals, and wait for the order to board the cattle cars.

Our ancestors stood at a bridge and turned back the invaders. We must decide, and quickly, where our bridge is. If it�s already been crossed as some claim, and maybe rightfully so, then our first objective should be to forcefully and uncompromisingly retake it.

It has been apparent for some time that the NRA has been infiltrated, yes infiltrated. It was founded by a slave owning alcoholic Yankee general. That ought to tell us something.

This is war. That�s what happens in war. That�s what�s been happening here for 150 years since Marx�s manifesto first saw the light of day.

While our young men were "fighting communism" under the communist United Nations in Korea and Vietnam our greatest enemies were here, sitting in front of television cameras and typewriters, teaching in our classrooms and marching in the streets. They and their mindsets have infiltrated every level of our society and the NRA, and many other "conservative" organizations, I will add, is no different.

It�s time to come up out of the trenches, infiltrate and envelope our enemies, and destroy them.

Barry Bright, guerrilla reporter with a bias toward Liberty. Visit his website at