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Get Us Out of the United Nations!

Letter Faxed to All U.S. Congress Members

by William B. Rogers, M.D.

Here is a letter posted to all the members of the US Senate and the House of Representatives using the KABA PowerFax system available to members:

To All United States Senators and Members of the House of Representatives


If there was ever a time for American Patriots to consider George ashington�s warning to stay away from foreign intrigue and entangling alliances, that time is now.

Here are 12 reasons the United States should withdraw immediately from the United Nations. These reasons correlate directly to the "12 principles" illustrating the �grand plans� for the United Nations as listed on the web site World Net Daily
(1 Oct 99) 

The first of the 12 principles calls for the consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority of the United Nations.

The second principle calls for regulation by the UN of all transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring an "international code of conduct" concerning the environment and labor standards. 

Principle number 3 demands an independent source of revenue for the UN, such as the "Tobin tax" and taxes on aircraft and shipping fuels, and licensing the use of the global commons. The "global commons" is defined to be "outer space, the atmosphere, non-territorial seas, and the related environment that supports human life." 

Number 4 would eliminate the veto power and permanent member status on the Security Council.

Number 5 would authorize a standing UN army.

Number 6 would require UN registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies "as part of a multilateral global security system" under the authority of the United Nations.

Principle number 7 would require individual and national compliance with all UN "Human Rights" treaties and declarations.

Number 8 would activate the international Criminal Court, make the International Court of Justice compulsory for all nations, and give
individuals the right to petition the courts to remedy social injustice.

Principle 9 calls for a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by insuring "sustainable development."

Number 10 calls for the establishment of an International Environmental Court.

Number 11 calls for a declaration that climate change is an essential global security interest that requires the creation of a "high-level action team" to allocate carbon emission based on equal per-capita rights.

Principle number 12 calls for the cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for "equitable sharing of global resources," as allocated by the United Nations.

Gentlemen, and ladies, such a concentration of world power into the hands of unelected individuals is anathema to our way of life. It is a certain guarantee for world war. It is commensurate with the recurring folly of Europe and not the freedom of America.

You must get the United States of America out of the United Nations, and get the United Nations out of the United States of America.

William B. Rogers, MD

If you would like to fax one single letter and have that fax go to every single U.S. Congress Member at both their state and D.C. offices, paid members click here to access the system directly, and non-members can fax letters to (630) 369-8915, where they will be read to make sure they are pro liberty before they are forwarded to our Powerfax system.