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by Steve Poiesz


Hey folks, I was poking around and noticed a little entertainment quiz to test your political savvy. I figured what the heck, and did the quiz. I was rather surprised to see the answers and commentary regarding question #2

***begin msn question and answers***

-#2. As a bloc, who most wants guns outlawed in America? 
-women, 25 percent 
-men, 13 percent
-blacks, 30 percent 
-whites, 17 percent 
-adults ages 18-24, 28 percent
-adults ages 35-44, 14 percent 

***msn comments***

While ducking to avoid the inevitable barrage of virulent e-mail, we�ll say it: Guns kill. Guns suck. America would be a greater nation without guns. Here�s hoping the ongoing rash of multiple killings (by white males ... hmm) at least serves the purpose of changing our attitudes toward firepower once and for all. There are signs of progress: A recent USA Weekend poll showed the Second Amendment is the only one a majority of Americans (52 percent) support modifying or eliminating. 

***end of msn page***

The MSN quiz can be found at

Thanks for the heads up, Steve.  Our response: MSN Kills by supporting gun controls that impede women from defending their own lives against raping murderers. MSN's sub-intelligent socialist quiz-making moron is welcome to come pick up our guns any time he pleases, sooner the better. Meet ya at the front door, BOY.

Make your comments to this underbrained dim bulb here:  Be sure to refer to the "quiz" and the link on which the "quiz" is located.