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Veteran's Day 2000

by Gary Clark
[email protected]
11 November 2000

Today is November 11th. It's Veteran's Day, which they called Armistice Day when I was a boy. It's the anniversary of the end of World War I. Since the armistice that ended WWI, America has seen itself in four subsequent shooting wars and one cold war. In all of them, the men (and some women) who went off to do their part fighting or in some support role... all of them were told they were doing it to preserve FREEDOM in America. Well, as a veteran, and as a guy who froze his ass off in Korea during the COLD war, I'd like to know where the freedom we all went through so much to preserve has gone. It's sure as hell GONE. It must be gone, because I don't feel very FREE living in today's USA.

I'm mad as hell, and I want my FREEDOM back!

I want to live in a FREE country where the government can only tax the money you SPEND, not the money you EARN. I DON'T want to live under a SLAVE TAX that extorts 42 cents of each man's wage dollar and uses it to build a socialist-liberal neo-fascist government empire that I don't want to live under which is unparalleled in human history.

I want to live in a FREE country in which the government is forbidden to maintain a nationwide police agency like the FBI which routinely violates the rights of citizens it suspects of political activity the government doesn't like. For example, according to "FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose," by M. Wesley Swearingen, from September 1973 to September 1974 the [FBI] racial squad opened 1,800 phony cases on computerized lists stolen from organizations under investigation. He worked on some cases opened from a computerized list of names lifted from a [black] bag job on the American Nazi Party. The racial squad never figured out what the list of names meant, but they investigated nearly 2,000 individuals on that list, and some agents wrote reports to Washington claiming that these people were members of the American Nazi Party, when actually they did not know whether the list represented individuals who had bought a new car or had bought a magazine subscription. Any society that allows its government to do this is a POLICE STATE and it is sure as hell NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE country, not the one that has the highest prison incarceration rate in the world (The US rate is 35 times higher than China's.) and at the SAME time has one of the industrialized world's highest murder rates. (The US rate is 10 times higher than Ireland, which is allegedly in the middle of a Catholic/Protestant war.) 

I want to live in a FREE country where every INDIVIDUAL is held RESPONSIBLE for the consequences of his own acts, not one where people are FORCED to wear seat belts in cars and crash helmets on cycles. I want to be FREE to CHOOSE whether to use these devices or not. FREEDOM is far more important than SAFETY. If being SAFER means LOSING FREEDOM, then I'll choose freedom over safety every time. An American government that thinks it needs to protect its citizens from themselves differs very little from the Nazi government that thought it had to protect its citizens from Jews and Gypsies. In neither case is anyone FREE living under such a government.

I want to live in a FREE country where MOST land ownership is privately held and where the USE OF LAND is determined by the private individuals who own it, not a society in which land use is DICTATED by a foreign entity like the United Nations or by the Federal or State government. (The land policy of the United Nations was first officially articulated at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements - Habitat I, held in Vancouver, May 31 - June 11, 1976. The United States is a signatory to this neo-fascist socialist policy. Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report sets forth the UN's official policy on land. The Preamble says: "Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable....") Any society which restricts the freedom of a land owner is either communist or fascist. In any case, it is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE country in which no part of the government is permitted (as in the old USSR) to keep a blacklist, to which citizens are MANDATED to report individuals whose behavior or beliefs the government finds unacceptable. Today, in the United States, we presently have just such a blacklist called the "Child Abuse Central Index" (the name varies from state to state). Child protection agencies and law enforcement are REQUIRED to report any substantiated or UNSUBSTANTIATED case to that index in their state during the INITIAL INVESTIGATION of any reported child abuse case. Any country that maintains an index like that is either communist or fascist. It's sure as hell NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE country where INDIVIDUALS are FREE to ingest, inhale or inject into their own bodies anything they choose, whether it's harmful or not. I don't want to live under a government that has ARBITRARILY DECIDED that, because some substances may be harmful, doing as I choose WITH MY OWN BODY is DECLARED to be a crime. I don't want to live in a country that, having done this then declares and carries on a phony "war on (some) drugs" on the one hand while forcibly drugging CHILDREN with powerful psychotropic drugs on the other. Today in the US there are over five million school children on psychotropic drugs, most of which are prescribed and administered by the schools themselves. This was reported by Kelly O'Meara, writing in Insight magazine. In addition, according to Teacher Magazine of December 1996, there are four million kids on Ritalin alone, one of the most powerful of the drugs now being given routinely to children in American schools. No FREE country would allow the intentional drugging of its own children. In fact, the only kind of government that would do such a thing is a government that intends to turn the kids into slaves.

I want to live in a FREE country where individuals and businesses are FREE to buy and or sell any commodity for which there is a demand INCLUDING SEX, GUNS AND NARCOTIC DRUGS, without the government telling them they don't have the FREE choice to do so. Any country that restricts this freedom is a police state, NOT A FREE COUNTRY!

I want to live in a FREE society in which I am able to own, and carry concealed on my person, any type of defensive weapon I choose, anytime, anywhere, without ANY segment of government at ANY level telling me I can't. I don't want to live under a criminal government that has passed a federal law banning guns in ill-defined school zones under which random roadblocks may be used for enforcement and gun-bearing residents could become federal criminals just by stepping outside their doors or getting into vehicles. I want to be responsible for looking after my own safety, not having the government insist on doing it for me. If being SAFER means LOSING FREEDOM, then I'll choose freedom over safety every time. A government that won't let me do this is a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE every bit as much as was the criminal government of Nazi Germany or the former Soviet Union.

I want to live in a FREE country where the only police activities of government exist to apprehend and punish persons who willfully harm other people, BUT ONLY AFTER THEY HAVE DONE SO. Any society that seeks to PROTECT people by CURBING THE FREEDOM OF ITS PEOPLE is a police state, not a free society. If being SAFER means LOSING FREEDOM, then I'll choose freedom over safety every time.

I want to live in a FREE society where individual citizens can freely (and of their own choice) contract with each other to do (whatever) so long as it is mutually agreeable between them, and the ONLY THING GOVERNMENT HAS THE POWER TO DO IS ENFORCE LEGAL CONTRACTS.

I want to live in a FREE country where I am FREE to decide to whom I will or will not sell my house or other property, and where I am FREE to do this for ANY REASON I CHOOSE, including race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, culture or national origin. Any government that takes away this freedom is a police state, NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE country where an employer has the right to choose (for any completely arbitrary reason) whom he will or will not employ, how much he will or will not pay, whom he will promote or not promote and what the working conditions will be. Any government that takes away this freedom is a criminal government, and its society is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE society in which no police or law enforcement agency of any kind can EVER just kick the door down and enter a person's home or business FOR ANY REASON, without first getting a valid search warrant. That's how it USED TO BE here in the US. Not any more. Governments that do this are criminal governments and any society that allows the police to do this is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE society where no police or law enforcement agency of any kind is EVER allowed to tear your car or truck apart looking for drugs or guns while they keep you sitting on the side of the road. That's how it USED TO BE here in the US. Not any more. Governments that do this are criminal governments and any society that allows the police to do this is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE country where no police or law enforcement agency of any kind can EVER get away with planting stuff on a person so they can pin some crime on them they didn't commit. That's how it USED TO BE here in the US. Not any more. Governments that do this are criminal governments and any society that allows police to do this is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE country where new law cannot be "created" by the criminal acts of "activist" judges who, in blatant disregard of the constitutional requirement that lawmaking is strictly reserved to the legislative branch, "legislate from the bench" to further their own corrupt (and usually left-wing) political agendas by rendering decisions that often run contrary to original legislative intent. That's how it USED TO BE here in the US. Not any more. Governments that allow this are criminal governments and any society that allows judges to do this is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE society, not one in which President after President issues "Executive Order" after "Executive Order," in effect "creating law by dictation" despite the fact that there is not a single word anywhere in the U.S. Constitution (or any of its amendments) that authorizes the President to issue such executive orders. There is no legal basis for ANY presidential executive order, yet the criminal government enforces and acts upon them as though these "non-laws" were in fact law, and the Congress, which is the ONLY body with the constitutional power to enact law, allows it to go on. A government that allows this is a criminal government and any society that allows its President such dictatorial power is certainly NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE country, not one where (despite over 500 years of precedent in common law giving juries ABSOLUTE POWER to decide on not only the facts BUT UPON THE LAW ITSELF) the judicial system routinely instructs juries that they have the DUTY TO UPHOLD THE LAW, when in fact it is THEIR DUTY TO DECLARE THE LAW NULL AND VOID IF THEY FIND IT UNJUST. Any government that allows this is a criminal government and any society that allows judges to do this is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE society, not one in which the criminal government has passed a federal law confiscating the assets from any American who establishes foreign citizenship. Any government that would pass such a law is a criminal government and any society that allows its government to pass such a law is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

I want to live in a FREE society, not under a criminal government that terrorizes, bullies, bombs, beats up, shoots, tortures, and kills more and more individuals every day, here and abroad, and does it in the name of the American people, and at my involuntary expense. Governments that do this are criminal governments and any society whose government does such things is NOT A FREE SOCIETY!

Most of all, I want to live in a society in which the concept held by the average citizen of what constitutes a FREE SOCIETY is the same as I have described herein.

So, you see, I really hate having to live in a world where being the property of the fascist dictatorship that America has now become is the best that anyone can hope for because almost EVERY other place in the world is equally bad or worse. So I really hate it when some jerk tells me, "If you don't like it here why don't you go elsewhere?" If there were any "elsewhere" I probably would.

But why should I have to?

And this is my point on this Veteran's Day 2000. I didn't wear the uniform and do my part in my youth so I could see all the freedoms Americans once enjoyed taken away by asshole neo-fascist liberal politicians like Bill and Hillary Clinton or Al Gore. I especially didn't do it so I could see some slut like Hillary Clinton tell me we need to change the Constitution to get rid of the Electoral College because, as she put it, "We are a very different country now than we were 200 years ago." Well, we may or may not be different as a people, but one thing is certain. Our government is very different. It's very different and very much worse than 200 years ago, and it got that way because of slimy pieces of worthless garbage who call themselves "liberals," but are in reality neo-fascist socialists.

I'm mad as hell, so if by chance you happen to be one of those idiots who voted for Al Gore this week, I could probably forgive you. After all, it's not your fault if you're an idiot. But, if by chance you happen to be one of those in the DemoCRAP party who advocates demonstrations or legal action:

Despite the FACT that Governor Bush won 2434 counties in the U.S. to Gore's 677.

Despite the FACT that those counties contain a population of 143 million to the 127 million in the counties that went for Gore.

Despite the FACT that Bush has won in Oregon and now leads Gore in the New Mexico recount.

Despite all that, if you are that much of a DemoCRAP, then do me a favor.

Drop dead!