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Get a grip

by Barry Bright
[email protected]

November 24, 2000

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In the midst of all this election distraction full of chads, had lads and sign-toting would-be-bad lads, one email was circulated about how despite all the confusion and discord at the Kyoto or whatever conference that�s going on at the Hague right now, Clinton and our eco wackos have been implementing the treaty piece by piece anyway.

Well duh. When is it going to sink into our "this is America and it can�t happen here thick heads" that that�s how our American Communists operate?

As is their practice they have a dog and pony show to keep everyone distracted while they�re carrying out their real plans somewhere else.

It�s time to end the dog and pony show. Screw the animal rights activists. Shoot the dog and the pony.

At a vote fraud conference that was held at the Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati Airport a few months back it was mentioned that 200 years ago voters signed a public petition for the candidate of their choice.

We need to go back to that. It would kill voter fraud. One name, one vote. Those with identical names, not that many at all in individual districts, would be a simple problem to work out.

If a neighbor votes for a scumbag like Gore they'd have to carry the shame publicly. If you�re ashamed of your vote educate yourself and do better next time or stay home and stay out of the process.

This indoctrinated miss-educated idiot voted for Clinton in 1992 because he didn�t know there was an alternative media out there that could have kept him informed and aware that the two main political parties exist only to keep us all in line for the shearing. "It�s the year 2000" as the "progressives" like to whine. We have the internet and 8 years of blatant neo-statism behind us. Nowadays, excuses are harder to come by.

Amidst all the election fraud circus, the Republicrats are whining for everyone to "organize" and "protest" against the Democrats who are "stealing the election." Why are they seeking to imitate their enemies in a process designed only to distract?

Here�s one simple message for them: Get a grip.

I wish the real patriots had a federal reserve note for every ridiculously longwinded column some idiot has written in the past few days detailing how chads are falling on the floor, walking out the door, getting in the pizza dough mix or whatever. I don�t care. It�s another excuse to sleep through the evening propagandacast.

Someone needs to tell these people to get a grip. I didn't vote for Bush and I'm not going to war or to organize or protest for Bush. The patriots have been trying to get the Republicrats off their asses for decades and now that they've finally had to get up in the American Communist monster's face and breathe the breath full of the smoke from Waco and the burned bodies of murdered children and other patriots who have been killed and of the tortured souls of those who rot in prison, they expect us to come to their aid.

This is the same kind of evil garbage they've been ignoring for years and even participating in, and now that their "non-partisan" Marxist brethren have finally turned against them they come whining.

Get a grip. It's your fight, not mine. When you�re ready to put down your ridiculous sign and get a grip on an M-16, let me know.

Unlike most writers who say what must be done, such as my suggestion that we go back to public ballots, I will say how we can actually accomplish the goals that we establish. We�re going to have to kill a lot of them first. They won�t "compromise" when they�re losing. They will turn to violence first, when they see the decades-old dream of their socialist utopian police state slipping from their calloused lying tongues.

I'm waiting for the real "Liberal" season when our goal is clear: nothing less than the final destruction of the beast.

Barry Bright, guerrilla reporter with a bias toward Liberty. Visit his website at